I apologize in advance for this post. In the past few posts I've been sort of one-note, and the blog is already suffering as a result. I am writing this regardless. Why? Because when you ignore the stress you should be acting on, it builds up. I am aware that this is corrupting the blog, but so be it. A little bit too much banality from the Real World should make a good contrast from the posts later on.
Yesterday, the head of music at our school caught me and informed me that I would need to give her the music project by the next day. I had been avoiding her for months as well as the teacher who had been supervising the project. I also remembered that I had been neglecting to write up more of my piece "Untitled" on the computer as well as burning a disc for Eliezer. Eliezer takes preference over the rest of the school, so that evening I played "The Secret of Monkey Island" on my computer. Cute game, by the way. Then, when I was supposed to go to bed, I did some work on Untitled and burned the disc for Eliezer.
This morning, I left early in order to get to the improv session with Eliezer at a reasonable hour. It went great, until all the speakers in the school started blaring Purim songs. I went up to the secretary to see if there was a way to shut it off in our room, but no lasagna- they didn't know how to work the speakers. So improv was over. I played Untitled for Eliezer again, and once again he announced that he felt it was complete. I played Variations On V.O.V. for Eliezer again, and he announced that one section was incomplete. I ignored his comments. Then was Music History. The room was taken so we sat in the library, whispering. The teacher was explaining things that we'd need to know for the bagrut, so I found nothing of interest. On leaving the library, the head of music caught me again, and I reaffirmed that I'd have the project today.
My plan: Make the changes I had been told to do to the project on the school computers, print it out, bring it to the supervisor, get her corrections, go back to school, update the file on the computers, print it out and hand it to the head of the music department. It'll go away.
Murphy's Law has a way of sneaking in.
I went to the computer room and asked if the printers were working. No, I was told. No? Could it just be some little-? I asked. No, I was told. The printers weren't working. So the plan was over. I went home. That took about an hour, then I had something to eat. A few minutes before I had to go, I changed the file, printed it out, and sent it to myself by e-mail. I went back to Jerusalem. Of course I was late by that time. I called to find out what bus to take from the Central Bus Station. I waited for that bus, took it, and got there 40 minutes late. She showed me what I needed to change to complete it.
She had no working printer. I called person A who is in my class to see if I could come over. He said that he didn't have a working printer, and I should call person B in my class. Person B said he wouldn't be home, and I should call person A. I came home.
Hours later, I finished up the project. I called the head of music, who said she has no fax, so could I bring it tomorrow. I said no, I'd be busy. Could I fax it to her then? OK. Tomorrow then. I'll send it at 9:00.
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