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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Illinois: Progress report

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Illinois: Progress report

Here's a list of what I've accomplished here:
  • I've drawn more than half of the Angles and Circles sketch. The middle, the top, the bottom, and the entire left side are all done. (Not "done" in the sense that I won't have to rework them when I put it all in the computer, but "done" in the sense that I'm happy with them conceptually.) I haven't figured out what to do with the right side of the world yet. The parts I've finished incorporate all the random ideas I had, but use those ideas in ways I hadn't thought of originally. I'm very happy with where I've gotten.
  • I've planned out the first thirty seconds or so of Next Door. I know, that's not much, but it's a start.
  • I've "finished" Variations on V.O.V., in the sense that I can now play the whole thing to its end. I started writing out the notes, but then I stopped and decided I'd do it on the computer later. So the harmony for the last two variations isn't in its final form. I've come up with an initial theme for the second movement which I sort of like; I may or may not use it in the end.
  • I've memorized my lines for Acts 1 and 3 of The Matchmaker. (There are four acts.)
  • I've summarized every post on this blog, with the obvious exception of these posts I'm writing.
That's all.



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