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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Mark Ecko, welcome to the Game Industry

GameCube: DICE 2005: Marc Ecko Challenges Industry
Here is an excellent capitalist, who seems to understand the common man, and doesn't give a damn about gamism as long as it makes him money. I don't know what's sadder- his idea that this infinite area for artistic potential should be reduced to an assembly-line set of rules designed to squeeze as much money out of the average idiot as possible, or the thought that those fools will buy his junk, encouraging other Industry heads to listen to what he has to say over the gamists' inspiration.

You know, the name "Ecko" is quite appropriate. He doesn't have any voice of his own, ideas that he personally would like, he just echoes society. But echoes don't last long. When society gets bored, the fad that he has started will not hold any interest anymore. Since his list of rules doesn't require that the games be artistic, they will not be able to fall back on being good games. And so he will go on, changing with society, creating nothing worthy of being kept. I really hope he can't make a successful game.



How so very true. Your statemnet is agreeable in every sense of the word. Keeping LESS people like him in 'gamism'(im still not quite used to the term..) should be beneficial in the cause of games finally rising to a point where it is considered a valid art form by the world.

visit me:

That's an interesting way of looking at it, which I hadn't considered. I wasn't thinking of how the world would react to videogames, but rather how much potential there is for great games. I guess the two are related, though.


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