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Friday, August 14, 2009

People Who Need People

That was a lonely month. Avri was gone, Moshe was gone. That left Nati and Eliav. Nati I spent all of my Shabbats with, because Eliav doesn't talk about anything anymore except for the MMO he plays (Fiesta). And sure, he's got what to say about that, but I've heard it already. It doesn't change that much from week to week.

So during the week I've had no human contact except for Games Nights. I guess I really needed those Games Nights. (Here's the last session report.)

Eliav said that if I downloaded Bioshock, we could play it together on his (powerful) computer like we played Phoenix Wright and The Path. So I downloaded it, and for the past two weeks I've been trying to get him to play it with me. But when I go over, he's in Fiesta.

Eliav is a kind of person which I didn't expect to exist for another few hundred years: a person who lives in a virtual world. He spends his entire day in Fiesta. He's got lots of friends there which he hangs out with. He's a productive member of the virtual society. Whenever he gets to a point in the game he's happy with, he starts over from scratch with a new character and does it all again.

I went over a few days ago. He was playing Fiesta, and from where I was sitting it seemed like the most boring game in the world. He kept fighting the same monster, over and over and over again. He had a portable DVD player next to him, which he was using to rewatch Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the DVDs I'd lent him while he played. (He was up to season seven already.) I asked if we could play Bioshock, and he politely pointed out that he was busy. So I asked if I could come back in a half hour and we'd play then, and he said that wasn't possible.

See, in fifteen minutes a quest would start that he could only play once every four hours. So he needed to play through it in fifteen minutes, and then he needed to come back to this other quest which he was doing, because he'd be leaving it in the middle to get there. And then there would be another quest after that, and another after that, and in four hours he'd want to do that second quest again...

Yesterday Eliav came over to return the Buffy discs. (He'd finished the series.) I asked him if we could play Bioshock, he said no, and I got angry. Dena informs me that I was yelling at him. I said that we'd agreed we'd play Bioshock together, so it wasn't unreasonable for me to be irritated when he was always doing something else. He said I was being selfish, and if I wanted to play Bioshock I should get a better computer. I went upstairs for a moment to put away the DVDs, and he ran off. I ran after him, and he explained that he thought we were done arguing and he had to get back to Fiesta.

I think he thinks this was about me wanting to play Bioshock. Like I don't have any other games to play. I'll have to talk to him. Not that that'll make any difference.



That definitely sounds like someone who is addicted to a video game. I periodically (probably once a month) play games for extended periods(+6 hours). But the moment that something more important crops up I can get out of it immediately.

I think that MMOs are designed in such a way as to promote addictive tendencies in people. That way people will keep paying the monthly fees, or keep coming back and seeing the advertising.

I dislike any game that's focus is to get you addicted to it. I haven't played many so I haven't much experience with them, but I still just want to stay away.

As for the good news, Bioshock is a fantastic game if you ever get a chance to play it. I'm not sure how many shooters you have played, so it might be something pretty different for you.

If I have any advice to make it more fun, really go out of your way to be creative with the plasmid powers. I generally tend to find only a few strategies to play games and then use those a lot. But near the end of the game, it force me to be continually creative and I had way more fun.

I am interested in hearing you impressions of it because we generally don't get to play the same games.


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